Saturday, May 28

Everytime I hear a plane, it reminds me of you.

Hello Hello! :D

Just break camp- Seniors' Camp. (: Well, for your information, if you don't know what's 'break camp', it simnply means end camp. haha. yeahp. cause i know 2 dumbdumbs don't know what's 'break camp'. haha. noob. :B

Anyway, I'm like not tired lah. Usually after camps, we would be like having mimi-yan (small eyes). like gonna sleep any minute, any second. LOL. but this time's camp, i'm like still so energetic lah. LOL. Weird siaaa. Some campers say they feel so sleepy, wanna sleep, blahblah. haha. to me, those are bullshitt. :B

During camp, my group was called the EVERLAST. Simply means, everlasting teamwork or some other values. ^^ cool ehy, i think de ma. of course it's awesome. hahaha. :B my group members = Me, Amelia, Rachel, HuiLi and MingSheng. AWESOME? (:

We played games that we planned, had Peer Mediation Workshop, meals, movie - The Last Castle, and others. (: during mini free times, we play volleyball. heheheh. fun max! :D

Well, games were fun. we're hyper like shit. LOL.

Peer Mediation Workshop is where MissLim and MissTan teach us how to be a mediator. Okay, that's for PSLs to know. :B

Meal, usual, say cheer before we eat. (:

Movie. haha. The Last Castle is a movie where there are different leaders in the show. We are to watch the movie and observe the different types of leaders and the values they show. Irwin and Colonel. hahaha. And after watching the movie, we have to write our reflection. (:

blahblah. Overall, I find the camp quite fun. but the number of campers were like .. wth?! yeah. so not so cool lah. haha. playing mass games were like shit. ):

From 6th to 8th June, there's Juniors' Camp. Where those newly join PSLs are the main campers and we're the facilitators! :D but not all sec2 PSLs are going. only selected and I hope i'm selected! ^^

Okay. Now talking about this piggy who is now on his way to UK. D: flying on the plane alr. shit. he's gonna be away for 2 weeks! and i'm banned for 2 weeks! argh, nightmare ..


Yeah. I miss him so much now okay. The last time I saw him was friday after school and at least I fed him potato chips. ^^ (his facebook display picture)

sigh. this morning text for awhile thn around 1pm he on th plane, going UK alr. siannn. ~

hope time passes fast so I can see him earlier! :3

- H E ' S J U S T S O C U T E -