I miss you so much.
I miss your morning's texts.
I miss our afternoon's meets.
I miss your evening's goodbye kisses.
I miss your night's sweet texts.
- I M I S S Y O U R P R E S E N C E -
Yeah. How I wish I can go UK with you, spending 2 weeks there with you. Argh, I am so bored. My 2 pathetic weeks of holiday only consist of tuitions, camps and trainings. No dates of 'Meeting Baby' on my calander. How sian. ): I want the freaking time to pass quickily so you can come back to Singapore and I can see you!
Omg baby, I'm so sad lah. You can't attend the Senior Camp and the Junior Camp cause yo're freaking at UK! If not we'll be hving fun together at camp. Argh! Why must you go UK hur. Then Novenber and December holidays you confirm also go somewhere de lo. Sian. Anyw, must remember to buy something for me ah, even though I din't ask you to, but I'm sure you'll buy. hehe. :3 Don't play play play until you forget me ah. hehe. ~
Whatthefook. I woke up at 7.30am today. Early sia. I also don't know why i wke up so early. haha. Woke up, did usual stuffs, then on the computer and yeah. Now only like afternoon, I still got so many hours to spend alone at home before my parents come home.
I ate porridge. His favourite porridge, I guess. hehe. Now is afternoon, I still hv not eaten lunch. Argh, nvm. I shall not eat lunch then. (:
I ate porridge. His favourite porridge, I guess. hehe. Now is afternoon, I still hv not eaten lunch. Argh, nvm. I shall not eat lunch then. (:
Okay. I shall stopp blogging already. My mum handed tasks for me to do, help her with chores. Sian ttm. Anyw, I need to start helping before she screams at me at night. Alrights, Bye. ~